About Us

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Unlock your data to empower IT transformation.

Our Mission

At DataNovata, we strive to support innovation and modernization. Our technology releases the strain of legacy data history while maintaining your access to the data you need with full relational integrity. Our goal is to maximize your ROI by eliminating licensing and maintenance costs at a fractional price at top speed, with zero disruption to your operations.

Our History

DataNovata is grounded in a history of innovation.

Founder and CEO of DataNovata, Howard Sherrington, formed the independent software developer, NSC in the early ‘70s, to program mainframe business solutions for Top 500 companies. The company received awards and recognition for its success in application design and technological achievement.

In the early ‘80s, NSC engineered a platform-agnostic software development workbench to generate applications for different operating systems from a common source.

In the '90s, processor power evolved into smaller hardware footprints, so NSC reverse-engineered its workbench into a multiplatform refactoring solution for application migration.

As IT modernization became data-heavy, NSC built an application-generator to view data within any database, which was rebranded as DataNovata.

In 2015, an NSC shell company was incorporated as DataNovation Ltd. to manage and market the feature-rich solution to large enterprise.

Today, DataNovata remains a one-of-a-kind data modernization solution, successfully implemented by F500 corporations on a global scale.


DataNovata services large enterprise with global reach. We have earned our clients trust over and over as they continue to implement our solutions on the modernization and decommissioning roadmap.

Our clients include:

  • Reckitt Benckiser
  • The Co-operative
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Acco
  • GKN Aerospace
  • Saputo
  • RSA Insurance


Our technology solves specific problems to enhance any data solution. Our strategic partnerships strengthen our company's service as well as increase the breadth of capabilities for both parties. We deeply appreciate and enjoy working with all of our partners.

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