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  • What is DataNovata?

    DataNovata is an xml-based application generator to read and display any relational database with full awareness of the data relationships, independent of the native application.

  • Why would I need DataNovata?

    To reduce application clutter where data history has accumulated and is causing operational inefficiency. DataNovata is a one-stop resource to replace data access from any application source.

  • How does DataNovata support data archiving?

    Archive data can be time-consuming to retrieve and is avoided if users need easy access to data history. DataNovata provides immediate user access to the archive in a business-as-usual manner.

  • Does DataNovata archive any data?

    No. DataNovata generates an application that will view the archive data. Hosting and archiving services are available from a variety of vendors.

  • How does DataNovata replicate and replace an application?

    DataNovata maps the original application database schema, table relationships and metadata. It generates a view of all the data access paths. The most frequently-used screens are customized to look like the source application.

  • What differences are there between a DataNovata application and the original system of record?
    • There is no ‘write’ to records viewed within DataNovata.
    • The user interface can be modified.
    • Only useful screens are rendered, minimizing the scope of each project
    • The DataNovata application is accessed through a web browser link
  • Can DataNovata be used for any database?

    Yes. As long as the database has a JDBC/ODBC driver.

  • How does DataNovata read databases from non-relational sources?

    First, the data needs to be migrated from its non-relational source to an SQL-based rdbms. As many pre-relational databases have well-defined schemas there is no loss in translation. Otherwise, our Application Architects write scripts in the DataNovata Toolkit, to build the structure to match the source legacy operation. DataNovata has been used to decommission many non-relational database applications.

  • Does DataNovata handle ETL data migration?

    No. DataNovata configures an application based on the relational database in state. It does not migrate.